Now I've seen videos of a crab, and a cat carrying a knife, and even a dog with a machete, but a Squirrel With A Gun? Awww c'mon now...
An all-action platform adventure/shooter with a mild puzzle element, SWAG throws you in at the deep end, having to escape from a sinister government facility, and having to get past an army of aggressive, Men in Black-type agents on the way.

During your first encounter with an agent, you stun him and he drops his gun, you pick it up and learn how to use it. From now on, this particular squirrel's world will never be the same again. Pistols are the most common weapon but you can also get your paws on uzis, shotguns, grenade launchers and bazookas–this squirrel even gets its own teeny car to zoom around in!

Collectible acorns are your currency with which you can buy upgrades and extra outfits and accessories, and there are semi-hidden giant golden acorns to find as well, these unlock further areas and special items.

For the most part SWAG is a joy to play, the enclosed early sections soon open up into what feels like a small subdivision, and climbing trees and structures, and figuring out how to get to each new area are what the game is all about–there's rarely a set objective and the game is a real sandbox. When you get taught to make your jumps longer and higher by firing your weapon (Halo rocket-jump style), this opens up all kinds of new possibilities...

An overly tough boss battle rather spoiled what was a silly, fun, gentle game until that point, but once beaten the game eases back to its happier form.

Although a bit rough in places, a habitually useless camera view and even places where you can get stuck, SWAG is still a lot of fun‐if you like the Goat Simulator games this’ll be right up your alley. The game can be completed in a few hours, but it's only £15.49, so you're undoubtedly going to get your money's worth.
Many thanks to DeeDee Entertainment and Maximum Entertainment